Tuesday 14 October 2014

Re-evaluating Ruby on Rails Opinionation

Ruby on Rails, according to many, revolutionized web development by encouraging developers to follow a set of strong opinions, thereby taking away much of the decision making required to start a new web app, like where to put models, views and  controllers, what conventions function names and HTML templates should follow and (built atop of that) how requests are handled, and so on. However, as any Ruby on Rails software developer will find out sooner or later, many of these conventions break down as an application gets larger and actually produce code that is difficult to understand and refactor.
The reason I set up this blog is to share a set of best practices, some of which break away from the Rails philosophy, which I think help a project stay manageable as it gets larger. As they are a set of opinions, many will disagree and have other opinions, and I'd be very interested to hear them!
Stay tuned!

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